Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Now a word from our sponsors

ooVoo is pretty hot shite. You can do video conferencing with up to 6 peeps.
And let's also take a small pause to acknowledge that ooVoo is a client of my agency, crayon. We wouldn't want to be burned for lack of disclosure....

avec edited press pic

I called my mobile from it, I didn't know you could do that. It was free! Awesome. I love the free.
I'm telling the parentals about that one.

More free is that you can participate in "My ooVoo Day".
We've got together 20 bloggers/podcasters that you can chat to through the ooVoo. They've set up times over the next few weeks that you can sign up to.
I've chosen the Steve Hall. I'm an Adrants fan. His style of commentary has probably been an inspiration of my own. I probably shouldn't hope no one else joins, but I do. I want Steve all to myself.

And no, I'm not having an ooVoo session with my boss
Even though I am bamboozled by his fans, autograph signings and people's request for photos (yes, it has happened, I've seen it and was kind of amazed I don't exhibit this kind of behaviour after I saw Hot Chip on the street, couldn't remember Alexis' name and just started barking at them "hot Chip! HOT CHIP!!!" and they didn't even turn around).

Seriously, how many times have you written on someone's blog, feel like you know them but face it, you really don't!
This changes that.
Here's to getting Steve Hall all to myself

And a great new hot chip song. Yummy

The Bloggers

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