Sunday, November 30, 2008

Mobile Internet Use Surges In U.K.

BBC News: Mobile internet use in the United Kingdom is growing while the number of people going online via a PC is slowing, analyst firm Nielsen Online has found. Some 7.3 million people accessed the net via their mobile phones, during the second and third quarters of 2008. This is an increase of 25% compared to a growth of just 3% for the PC-based net audience -- now more than 35 million.

The survey also found that the mobile net audience was younger and searched for different things. While Google remains the most popular site for those logging on via the desktop in the U.K., on mobile internet BBC News is the most visited site, with nearly a quarter of mobile internet consumers using it. Other popular sites include BBC Weather and Sky Sports.

Perhaps unsurprisingly the mobile net audience is younger than its computer based counterpart. A quarter of the mobile net audience are ages 15-24, compared to 16% for the PC. While 23% of the desk-top based internet population is 55 or over, only 12% of mobile internet audience is.

You can put your sweet petootie on the line for this one
Did someone say year of mobile? I swear I heard it AGAIN!
I don't think there is such a thing as the year of the mobile, it's more an evolutionary thing. BUT, by the end of 2009, thanks to feasible phone rates in the free world; and the iPhone, Storm and whatever other mutha is out there, I think we just may have a sizeable saturation and a usable technology platform that allows mobile to have legs.

Another good point is that as this young audience grows, so will their usage. In a couple of years time, this audience's initial behaviours will be the indicator of how other audiences follow. And dear friend, I honestly think mobile is here to stay.

Just one word of is useful but be realistic when it comes to the application of mobile to a brand. Some categories will work well for mobile, others don't. Think in a right time and right place continuum. For example- finding out traffic updates 5 minutes before you leave the house is perfect- answers some form of human need. But, you wouldn't need an instant update that toilet paper just got softer.
It's a case of different strokes, for different folks. Not a bad thing in this day and age.

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