Friday, September 21, 2007

Dove's "Real Beauty" effort no longer producing really big sales

Advertising Age
Dove's "Campaign for Real Beauty" was hailed for its honesty in showcasing ordinary women and its success in driving extraordinary sales growth. However, with sales slowing from 10.1% in 2006 to 1.2% so far this year, the campaign's impact may be waning, according to this article.

This is a no brainer for the Digestif

And you know why? Because the Real Beauty campaign was never a product campaign. It was a campaign for a movement and a community. It just happened to be sponsored by Dove.

They've created a tonne of advocates but, forgotten one core element. You don't have to buy Dove to be a member. You just need to care about the atrocities of airbrushing, lighting and makeup.

In the end, I'm glad they won awards for what they did. They revolutionised the way advertising is done today. They created a new type of marketing, movement marketing. Maybe next time, they won't forget to put products in the ads!

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