Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Nielsen releases study: Teen and Tweens have different mobile web habits

Study: Teens, tweens have different mobile Web habits
Tweens tend to spend less than an hour each day accessing the Web through their mobile phones and to use most of that time for gaming as opposed to Web surfing, while most teens spend an hour or more online daily, with e-mailing being the predominate activity during that time, according to a study conducted by Nielsen Mobile and BASES

Amusing, considering my previous post
Thanks Nielsen. Even though TV ratings from Nielsen need to reviewed, this mobile survey confirms a thought of mine. Users amongst the different age groups have different habits. Even though we're going through a massive transition now of user behaviours, I believe that every 5 years for the next 20 (maybe even 30), there is going to be a new transition as each age group matures into adulthood.

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