Monday, March 31, 2008

Chasing the Cheaters Who Undermine Online Research People who cheat on online surveys could soon find themselves -- or at least their computers -- on an industrywide digital blacklist of respondents who are undermining the $4 billion online-research industry.

Most research is BS anyway
I've been to focus groups, lots of them.
I'm registered with about 6 different companies, I know the cardinal rule of saying I don't work in marketing or journalism, AND I also know that I'm meant to say I haven't been to a focus group in the last 3 months.
Most other people with a brain know the rules too.

I've also been to focus groups and seen people be:
  • Schizophrenic in answering questions, lead by different phrasing of the same question
  • Saying what they aspire to be/do/want, not what they actually are/do/have.
  • They are easily influenced by peers in the same group
  • And they say what they think the moderator wants to hear.

There is some accuracy to focus groups, but for the most part, the whole thing is bogus. Online surveys are the best.
Click, click, click answer anything wherever the mouse falls.
I'm not a full time survey abuser, like I'm sure most of the people are who are referred to in this article. Those guys will be caught for sure.
The moderate abusers like me, we're the problem and there's probably more of us. How will they catch us??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bad girl. But honest.

I share the same views on focus groups.

That's why the "conversation" (blogosphere etc) is perhaps a more accurate and honest representation of consumer sentiment, reaction and perspective.