Wednesday, September 10, 2008

We're in a holding pattern

This is still bothering me and it will for at least the next 6 months (unless something comes along and surprises me).
But I think at this stage, we've found a happy place for all this new media and communications technology. Brands, Publishers and broadcasters have begun to integrate and I think they're doing an OK job so far. They're learning what works for them, what doesn't. A good effort. At least they're trying.
The only thing that hasn't changed is all the news articles about new media. Stagnant and boring. Lacking any insight or thought. You're boring me.

These articles today continue to demonstrate the holding pattern. i.e. how many times have we heard this crap?:
The Future of Media by Bob Guccionne Jr.
The expectations for accurately predicting the future of anything, especially something as mercurial and open-ended as media, tossed as it is on the illogical seas of pop culture and pulled by the currents of technology, are so low that the exercise invariably falls, like a failed soufflé, to the level of a parlor game. The boldest and most contrary predictions amuse and make people think a bit, and then everyone forgets about it.
except this one has a few good points

Mashable: New Media May Save Television Ads
More and more TV news hosts are asking viewers to "Twitter your comments to our guest." The Washington Post plans to create social networks among people with common reading interests. Why not create the same for fans of "Gossip Girl" or haters of "The View"?

Nielsen: Mobile Advertising Still Facing Hurdles by Mark Walsh
Nearly 77 million U.S. mobile subscribers recalled seeing some form of advertising on their phones--an 81% increase from a year ago, according to a new study by Nielsen Mobile. While such trends signal an improving mobile ad market, the report also highlights how advertising has lagged behind the growth of mobile media usage. The majority of mobile ad viewers (63%), for instance, see ads just once a month or less.

Marketers Taking Cautious Approach With Online Media by Laurie Sullivan
As budgets continues to tighten, marketers are resisting industry hype about emerging "cool" tech tools and are taking a cautious appr
oach to experimenting with new media, according to a recent Forrester Research study.

We're in these iterations where you get comfortable for a bit, knowing where everything kind of sits, then something else new comes along and we go back into a holding pattern. In the last few years we've had lots of change so the holding patterns have been pretty non existent. But change for a while and we can get a little comfortable.
This generalist diagram represents the changes we've seen over the last few years. The steps represent change happening, we absorb for a bit then another change comes along and we absorb again, represented by the horizontals. Except now we're not used to no change. Sure Facebook comes out with some upgrades, YouTube adds some improvements, but it's nothing that changes our lives like an actual YouTube, Google or launch of some technology which changes how we function as people. We've had so much change in the last few years that now we expect it. But really, nothing has been new for a while. Just new companies trying to offer different iterations of the same thing.

So kids, get comfortable. Unless a Cyberdyne Systems Corporation Neural Net Processor model comes out, I don't think anything new is coming for a while.

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